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Homelessness’ House

3x4x5 m, plastic structure and rope, 2012


Sometimes, I do not feel that I belong to the place or society that I live in. Stray dogs have become my good friends. We share one thing in common, that we are free spirits, not attached to the environment or the place we stay. Home is a place we live in, physically and mentally. It provides trust, comfort and safety. However, these feelings may lead to an obligation and lack of freedom. In this art work I create space without solid boundaries, using strings to represent the wall. The house is hung up high to create a very soft and light layer around the viewer. This reflects a sense of detachment and freedom.

Homelessness’ House is a part of Prof. Yupha Mahamart’s project, ‘From Darkness to light in hand’ which works with blind children. This project aims to create a space for the blind to learn and experience new things with no pessimistic attitude from other people, and to allow them to express their creativity without boundaries.


Homelessness’ House is chosen to be a part of ‘From Darkness to light in hand’ which aims to build a bridge between blind children and art through various senses. This project creates a special space for the blind to learn and experience new sensations with no pessimistic attitude from other people, and to allow them to express their creativity without boundaries. The project is divided into many sections; molding, body stamp, storytelling, reading for non-blind and touching art. In each section children, the blind and non-blind, work together to get through tasks, sometime with help from visual person and sometimes the other way around. My project ‘Homelessness’ House’ is a part of touching art section. Together with instructors, the children walk through and touch the art piece freely and I only help them fill their idea about the higher part of the work where they are not able to reach.

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